Saturday, August 22, 2009


I was asked to capture this awesome fundraiser for Operation Christmas Child by the twelve year old Torii Robertson, who envisioned an event to raise money for this amazing outreach! For those of you who don't know, Operation Christmas Child sends shoe boxes filled with toys, toiletries and candy to children in need, all around the world. Once the shoe boxes are filled, the boxes are then collected and sent to a main distribution center where a booklet that shares the good news of God's love in their native tongue is placed inside. These boxes are then 'boxed' up for distribution and sent overseas.
While it's very easy to collect items to go in to these boxes, and many can be easily filled, it takes $7 to ship each box. Unfortunately, especially in today's economy, this $7 fee can limit the number of boxes a family is able fill. Torii, who loves OCC and volleyball, came up with the idea to hold an all night volleyball event where participants would be sponsored... all funds would go towards the OCC box fees. It was a huge success and as a result of one young girl's heart, over $5,000 was raised which means that 715 kids will receive a box and hear about Jesus!

Operation Christmas Child is near and dear to me and my family's heart, it was an honor to capture this amazing event and be a part of Torii's vision.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New... New... New!

New Name.... New Logo.... New Website... New Blog! Well, the Blog isn't completely brand new but it will have a different look pretty soon. Stay tuned! It's been a very busy time for me and I am slowly getting all of my eggs in one basket. Lots of photo sessions to share as well. :)