Saturday, April 24, 2010

KC's Senior Session

Don't let this shot fool you... KC is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet! I had the privilege of capturing his Seniors Shots today and truly captured his personality.

While he will be a graduate from Oviedo, we covered Winter Park for his session.

And of course there was some fun to be had!

From the lake to the farmer's market to downtown. There was no stopping us!
Thanks for a great session KC and ConGRADuations on your upcoming graduation! I know you will do well in all you do!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shelby's Senior Session

Had so much fun shooting Shelby's senior photos. Her personality and wit made for a fun and creative session!The smile here is genuine.... I loved all of the yellow flowers and in trying to decide how to incorporate them in to a photo, there was some confusion as to what Shelby should do with this particular one point, it was stuck on her nose. Witty girl!
I want my clients to be comfortable at each session... Shelby decided to bring her long time friend, and also my son, Josh as well as her boyfriend along. Needless to say, lots of laughter all around.

Thanks for a fun day Shelby! ConGRADulations on all you do!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Take Two!

When the boys heard we would meet at the crack of dawn, they were less than thrilled. But we had a blast shooting this family! Beth and her family were so much fun! We especially had fun setting up this photo. I like the "attitude" it broadcasts!
I knew what I was getting in to as I had the privilege of shooting Luke's Senior Portraits in October 2008. This time around, I got to meet his brother Kurt and dad Craig. Not one dull moment during the time we spent together.

Brothers... best friends.

Thanks for such a great session guys!

Beach Reunion

When Joyce told me that she had instructed her family to wear teal and khaki for our late afternoon photo session, I have to say I wasn't sure what to expect. After all, aren't all beach sessions done in denim and white or khaki and white? At least all of mine had been in that color grouping.... but wow! I have to say I was more than pleasantly surprised! The colors were dead on and "mama" knew best!

Four children and their families in town for Easter made for a super fun session!

One of my favorite shots were of these two... sweet little sisters with their shadows cast towards the ocean.

Beautiful family.... beautiful afternoon.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

CFL Doc April

April 2010 Cover - Race to Washington
I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Ken Miller in February. Dr. Miller's passion for change and is prepared to leave medicine to serve the people of this country as he runs for Congress this Fall. Did you know that of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence, 7% were doctors? Currently only 3% of congress is made of up physicians. Dr. Miller wants to change those stats. This shoot took place in Winter Park.

Dr. Miller's middle son Brian is his campaign manager.