The sun was making it's way west-ward this past Sunday evening as Lisa and Alan prepared to celebrate their love. It was this very lighting that allowed me to take this stunning silhouette of Lisa, captured just moments before their roof-top ceremony began.
The roof-top garden was the setting for this beautiful wedding.
I am often asked what my favorite thing about photographing weddings is... it would have to be that no two are alike. I never know where the next wedding will take me. This wedding was no exception...
Lisa enjoyed watching her groom play.
The atmosphere at this reception was amazing quite simply enjoyable. Congratulations Lisa and Alan! Your ceremony was absolutely touching and will not be soon forgotten by any who had the privilege of attending!
The roof-top garden was the setting for this beautiful wedding.
I am often asked what my favorite thing about photographing weddings is... it would have to be that no two are alike. I never know where the next wedding will take me. This wedding was no exception...
From the roof-top ceremony in College Park to Washburn Imports, where the reception was held. Washburn Imports ranked in the Top 5 in Orlando furniture in 2008. Yes, the reception was in a furniture store but this was not a furniture box store... this store looked like it was set up just for patron's to enjoy while sipping a beverage from their full service beer/wine bar. Imports from around the world outfitted this amazing store. The back Imperial Room is where the band "The Red Coats" covered all of those fun 60's songs that make you want to get up and dance!
Lisa enjoyed watching her groom play.
The atmosphere at this reception was amazing quite simply enjoyable. Congratulations Lisa and Alan! Your ceremony was absolutely touching and will not be soon forgotten by any who had the privilege of attending!