Sunday, December 13, 2009

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Well, not quite... but there is a photographer! Exciting news for me as I open a door that I didn't actually knock on.

After a recommendation from a client, a look through my portfolio and an interview with the editor, I am now shooting the cover of Central Florida Doctor's Magazine! It's very new and very exciting.

I shot December's issue in October and the cover story was on Dr. Mark Weatherly who is affiliated with Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children here in the Orlando area. To view the rest of the photos and read this doctor's amazing story, follow this link: December 2009.

I have since shot two more sessions... the second was for a physician who was set to depart on a mission trip the next morning to Haiti and the third was with the UCF Knight's basketball team doc. That was a fun shoot as well!

I never know what I am walking in to when I go to each session..... small quarters, unusual lighting challenges or inline skating mascots! Awesome shot of our doc last night with UCF's Knightro. :) I'll post each cover as they are released.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Photos

What an awesome time I had meeting the "H" family this weekend! The photographer that I worked closely with when I first started, recently relocated to another state. Boo. :( However, she did recommend me to her former client, the "H" family. She adored working with the children and I was truly excited to be given the opportunity.

The children were a blast. So sweet and so full of personality. I think I laughed more than I didn't. I don't think that makes much sense but let's just say, there wasn't a dull moment. :) The dresses were absolutely beautiful and the family Christmas photo was smashing! The cards that were selected were had a black and grey striped back ground with a red ribbon and greeting. Very nice indeed.

Also got to capture a generational photo here. Mom, grandmother and daughters. So sweet!

Thank you so much for welcoming me in to your home and allowing the great opportunity to capture you lovely family. I look forward to working with you in the future. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fun at the Park!

Had so much fun with Rick and Cheryl! We met at the park bright and early, you all know how much I love working in morning light. It was the perfect day to accomplish what we had come to do... capture this beautiful family!

Five year old Canyon looked around, and very seriously, turned to Cheryl and said "this is a grown-up park". He was a bit disappointed that there weren't any swings or slides but they soon made their own fun!

Love this family! Loved watching the interaction between parents and children....

And just loved the connection Canyon and his sweet baby sister had!

Thank you for the opportunity to capture you sweet family!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Time For Grandma

Therese wanted to surprise her son and daughter in law with a photo session the next time they were in town. While the "surprise" factor was a bust, :) the session was great!

No flash photography here, Therese has a sky-light right over where I chose to set up. I let the natural light do it's thing for the entire session!

Baby Max is three months old and was just the sweetest thing! His beautiful red hair really popped against the black background.

Max really lit up when I brought out the big Tonka trucks! He is all boy!

Thanks for a great session Therese! It was fun visiting with you and Max!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Megan's Senior Session

I had such a great time with Megan! She was an absolute natural and super fun to work with! We had an early Saturday morning session. I love shooting in the morning light, the glow that comes from first sun is amazing!

Usually, the first half of my senior sessions are spent getting the senior comfortable with the camera. Looking through proofs, I can usually see the comfort levels increase as the session progresses... not with Megan! She turned "it" on every time I raised the camera to my eye!

The photos from this session afforded me the great opportunity to try something new. I found Florabella Textures waiting for me when I got home form this session. The Flora Bella Collection is a collection of textures created by the oh-so-talented Shana Rae. She has taken her love for photography and her creative eye and created some amazing tools for photographers! I am very pleased with the results and Megan and her mom are just as thrilled!

Thanks for spending your Saturday morning with me Megan... it was lots of fun!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jordan's Senior Session

I love shooting senior sessions. Sometimes they are more formal and other times they are more a "lifestyle" session. Jordan opted out of anything traditional and went for a lifestyle I session. We hit a local park for some of the photos.... and then....

we headed to a rival high school for the rest! Jordan loves his long board so it became his "prop of choice" for this session and the brick walls at this school were perfect!

While I have had the privilege of watching Jordan go from a pre-teen boy grow in to a young man even I was amazed at the rugged young man he has turned in to. Thanks Jordan for a great session!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Emmy's Session

I had a great time shooting this amazing pre-teen! Emmy is such a beauty and we really had a great time during our session. It didn't take much to get a glimpse of Emmy's smile!

Emmy and her mom decided on three distinct looks for this weekend's session. Casual, soft and trendy. This dress was perfect! As soon as I saw it, I knew exactly where we needed to be. The natural greenery pulls all of the green and yellow from Emmy's dress while the pink just pops!

Did I mention she has a real sense for fashion? Emmy loves hats and this hat was super fun to work with! I really liked the black against the brick wall.

Thanks for a great session Emmy! I look forward to doing it again! :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I was asked to capture this awesome fundraiser for Operation Christmas Child by the twelve year old Torii Robertson, who envisioned an event to raise money for this amazing outreach! For those of you who don't know, Operation Christmas Child sends shoe boxes filled with toys, toiletries and candy to children in need, all around the world. Once the shoe boxes are filled, the boxes are then collected and sent to a main distribution center where a booklet that shares the good news of God's love in their native tongue is placed inside. These boxes are then 'boxed' up for distribution and sent overseas.
While it's very easy to collect items to go in to these boxes, and many can be easily filled, it takes $7 to ship each box. Unfortunately, especially in today's economy, this $7 fee can limit the number of boxes a family is able fill. Torii, who loves OCC and volleyball, came up with the idea to hold an all night volleyball event where participants would be sponsored... all funds would go towards the OCC box fees. It was a huge success and as a result of one young girl's heart, over $5,000 was raised which means that 715 kids will receive a box and hear about Jesus!

Operation Christmas Child is near and dear to me and my family's heart, it was an honor to capture this amazing event and be a part of Torii's vision.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New... New... New!

New Name.... New Logo.... New Website... New Blog! Well, the Blog isn't completely brand new but it will have a different look pretty soon. Stay tuned! It's been a very busy time for me and I am slowly getting all of my eggs in one basket. Lots of photo sessions to share as well. :)