Sunday, August 1, 2010

CFL Doc August

August 2010 Cover - On Top of the World
This shoot was super fast. Due to crazy schedules of all involved, we had a very small window of opportunity. We were confined to the inside of the medical facility courtesy of Central Florida's stormy summer afternoons but we made it work.

Dr. Zarate is an amazing individual. His love of climbing and photography captured my attention from the minute we met. His wall is covered with amazing photos of his travels and the mountains he has climbed. Pictures of clouds from above the clouds... he had a really good eye.

Dr. Zarate had just returned from climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with his family and a heart patient of his. Talk about motivation for a quick recovery, he took his patient climbing! :)

While not used in this month's publication, I thought I would still include one of my favorite shots. Most of the photos used in his story were photos of his climbs.

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